One of the great obsessions of the marketing and advertising industry is consumer attention. At the end of the day, attention is what can help the message that the brand or company is transmitting really reach the consumer and also what can allow it to sink in with the audience.To reach the consumer's memory and for him to retain the information that the company wants to transmit, there is no other choice but to first get him to pay attention to what is being said or done in one way or another.For this reason, one of the recurring themes that concerns marketers is how to capture that attention and also the very nature of consumer attention. The irruption of the Internet and the way in which it has accustomed us to access content and information have not only made attracting attention more complicated, since there is a greater volume of distractions.
It is not the only complicated point, but it must also be added that the service windows are getting smaller and smaller. There is the E-Mail-Datenbank kaufen already very popular Microsoft study that pointed out how the attention of consumers had fallen and that we already had a short-term memory shorter than that of a goldfish.Attention cannot be measured with yes or no.But, in addition to all these issues, those responsible for marketing and advertising should start to take into account another idea, that of attention being something that is somewhat elastic and in which there are many things that vary.
Instead of thinking of consumer attention as a kind of specific moment, of behavior that follows certain norms, they should take into account that attention and how and to what attention is paid vary.As a study has just shown, attention is more of a spectrum. And that can change things a lot in how messages are constructed and how information is delivered to consumers.